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ADHD affects about 5-10% of kids around the world, but it often goes undiagnosed because of stigma or different views on education and parenting. This can lead to a lack of awareness and acceptance...
Thanks to today’s technology, most people know how to use computers and have a variety of gadgets, that help them in their everyday lives. Gadgets "Electronic devices designed to...
Play is a natural way for children to learn about themselves and the world around them. It is essential for children because it helps their overall development. Play is considered a basic necessity...
Play is a voluntary activity that provides enjoyment and fun for children.Most children use objects or toys as a medium of play.How adult activities are important to adults is how play activities are...
Toy libraries are available in most countries around the world, including Malaysia.However, in Malaysia, not all toy libraries offer toy loan services. Some of them only allow children to play with...
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