Step-by-step: Teach your child to manage their pants during toilet training

Toilet training is when you teach your child to use the toilet instead of diapers.

It involves teaching them the necessary toileting skills, such as pulling down their pants and sitting on the toilet seat.

Teaching your child how to pull their pants down and up is essential for successful toilet training.

Learning this ability is very important to your child so they can step closer to being independent in toileting.

However, some children may struggle to learn this skill.

Here are the 3 simple steps you can follow to teach your child to manage their own pants during toilet training:

Step 1: Demonstrate to your child

Demonstrate to your child how to pull their pants down and up.

You can put on extra pants and demonstrate to your child how to pull down pants and then up again.

Or if you have a doll with removable clothes, you can use that instead to demonstrate to your child how to pull pants down and up correctly.

Encourage your child to do it with you while you demonstrate to them so they can practice better.

Step 2: Physically guide your child

Teach your child how to push their pants down and pull them up again afterwards by holding their hand to guide them.

By doing this, you will help them to learn faster and get a better understanding of how to do it.

Step 3: Let your child do the last steps

Then, you can slowly transition to having them try to do it independently.

This can be done by guiding them for the first few steps and then letting them do the last steps.

Slowly, let them do more and more of the steps until they can do them with less and less assistance from you.

Let your child practice consistently daily until they can do it without your help.

How far should your child pull down their pants when sitting on the toilet?

No specific or standardized answer regarding how far a child should pull down their pants while sitting on the toilet seat.

However, a good rule of thumb is to teach your child to pull down their pants below the knees but not too close to the floor or toilet bowl.

What should your child wear during toilet training?

When teaching your child to use the toilet, it’s best to have them wear garments with elastic waists. They’re easier for your child to manage and help them learn better.

Make the learning process easier for your child by reducing the challenges as much as possible, especially at the beginning.

That is why you must ensure your child’s clothes during toilet training are easy to take off and put on.

Try not to make the learning process too difficult for your child, or they might resist and refuse to do it.

Remember, don’t worry if your child has accidents along the way – it’s all part of the learning process.

Click here to learn more on switching from diapers to regular pants during toilet training.

Can your child wear diapers during toilet training?

Nope. If possible, avoid wearing diapers during toilet training.

Instead, switching from diapers to underwear or pants is recommended during toilet training.

This is because wet clothes can be uncomfortable, so your child will want to avoid them.

This will teach them to hold it until they can get to the toilet.

Make sure to take your child to the toilet regularly so they understand the concept of going to the toilet for ‘pee’ or ‘woo.

Click here to learn more about how to get your child to learn to use the toilet.


Some children may take time to learn the skills required for successful toilet training.

Remember, don’t punish your child for their mistakes during toilet training. Instead, give them support and encouragement.

Always be patient and praise your child for every success, no matter how small. This will encourage them to keep trying.

If you want to know the necessary skills required for your child to be completely independent in toiletingcheck out my article here.

I hope this article is helpful to you, and if you like it, you may check out my other articles from this blog. Thanks for visiting my blog!

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